What's the last time your company introduced something new?
Chances are, you will be as unpleasantly surprised as many of our clients. It's only natural really; companies are usually designed to do more or less the same thing over and over. That's basically how you improve performance and increase margins.
Unfortunately though, there's usually someone out there in the market who's ready to make the first move. New feature. New widget. Better performance. Better Price. Consumers tend to like that kind of thing.
So whether we like it or not, we need to innovate - especially with the market in its current shaky state. The good news is that innovation isn't as tough as it sounds. It's no more than coming up with one or more bright ideas and implementing them. It needn't be a painful or long-winded process, on the contrary: in our experience it is an exciting process that releases energy throughout the company, sometimes even the entire category.
Since most companies are better at 'doing their job' than managing the process of change, Fronteer Strategy has developed an efficient, structured approach, that takes our clients through the steps of Analysis, Development and Execution with a minimum of headache and a maximum of result.
Interested? Feel free to contact me.
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